Drop-in Q&A sessions for international students
Drop-in Q&A sessions for international students: Student-facing blurb Are you a first-year or returning international student who: is arriving in Toronto for the start of fall semester? has questions about better understanding academic expectations and practices at the university ? wants to learn more about …
IMS International Student Welcome Package (2022)
Welcome all new and returning international students! If you are interested to learn more about UofT and life in Toronto, we invite you take advantage of the new “International Student Welcome package” prepared by IMS International Program. The package provides information about: University units that …
Health Service Overview for International Students
Health Services Overview for International StudentsAug 4, 2022 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM (Information Sessions) This is a one-stop shop health services virtual information-session where you can explore and learn about your healthcare options, mental health supports, and accessibility on campus. At this session, you can …
The 5 Ways to Wellbeing Workshop – International Students
This interactive workshop teaches participants five simple, evidence-based actions and how to apply them in a variety of ways to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. Participants will learn strategies to promote resiliency and reduce stressors through a cluster of activities along with learning of …
International Student Panel
International Student Panel & Networking Event Thursday, February 10th: 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. (on Zoom) Come join this online panel event where four international student panelists will share their insights and tips with you about navigating cultural and academic transitions while studying at U of T. …
Winter Wellness Challange
Get more information on: uoft.me/winter-wellness-challenge …
Navigating Mental Health Supports
Join Health & Wellness and CIE on February 3rd Clnx.utoronto.ca …
Summary of the FIRST IMS International Community Book Club
Such great Conversations, thank you all for joining in our FIRST IMS International Community BOOK CLUB on the book- “In Order to Live” by Yeonmi Park. Very inspiringly, this book talks about Yeonmi’s real life experiences where her childhood was lost in escaping from the …
How to avoid boiling frog syndrome in academia? (Summary of the event)
Iuliia has been a post-doctoral fellow at SickKids Cell Biology program since May 2021. Her research focuses on host-pathogen interactions is co-supervised by Sergio Grinstein and Spencer Freeman. Currently, she studies the fusion of the viral membrane to the plasma membrane of host cells. She …
What It Takes: Story of Immigration to Canada (Summary of the event)
Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. Thank you so much Dr. Yael Babichev for reverberating the same thoughts while walking us through your encouraging life story. Dr. Yael Babichev is a scientific associate and a project manager at Mount Sinai Health …